Posts Tagged ‘silver linings playbook


Silver Linings Playbook – Monday 8th April 7:45pm

Silver Linings Playbook - Nantwich Civic Hall - Monday 8th AprilThere are few films that hit home to the degree Silver Linings Playbook does. The filmmakers and cast seem to have an excellent working knowledge of mental health, specifically Bipolar Disorder (which in itself is a complex task). But never once is the illness put before the person and that is what makes Silver Linings quite a remarkable film. The story is about two characters with Bipolar Disorder searching for stability from their illness. Subtly, it plays on the fact that we all have issues in our lives by giving us quirky seemingly normal characters peppered throughout the film. Both Cooper and Lawrence hit it out of the park (and if Daniel Day Lewis wasn’t such an amazing actor, the Oscar would surely have gone to Bradley Cooper). De Niro and Weaver playing Cooper’s father and mother in the film complete amazing roles. However it is through the mother’s eyes, we view the pain and concern for her family as a result of her son’s illness plus her husband’s compulsive habits.

Talking to people who have seen this film – some find it funny whilst others see the broader picture, people may laugh along and alone, but the film carries a more serious message regarding the capacity to cope with mental health. Silver Linings Playbook whilst entertaining, attempts to reduce the stigma, however It is clear we have a long way to go………


Nantwich Film Club is an enthusiast volunteer run project. We screen a variety of movies at our regular venue, Nantwich Civic Hall. You do not have to be a member to come to our film screenings. There is no paid membership. Tickets to all our films are £5 on the door, no booking necessary, or in fact possible.
May 2024

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